Should old acquaintance be forgot and something something something...

Well shiver me timbers it's a new year already and what treasures lie within just one week into this new adventure on the high seas? Well, for one, I appear to have become a pirate so that's something to keep an eye on. Fingers crossed it's more loveable Jack Sparrow than I AM YOUR CAPTAIN NOW but I guess we'll see as the year sails on....


First exciting news is that my Free Association improv team Super Discount Party Store got a Super Delicious Picture Shot by snapper to the stars Pat Pope and boy did it come out nice. That's us above. FIT.

If you're thinking, "What is an improv team? What is the Free Association? What is a Harold even though you didn't say Harold?" then let me clear up your spilled mess of queries right now. Short answer: we go on stage and it's funny for half an hour. Medium answer: come down to The Free Association on a Thursday for Harold Night and see us and two other teams making up some funny trifle onstage. Very long answers for nerds: Del Close explains the Harold / The Harold Illustrated Explanation

And before the paint was even dry on my New Years Fence (a classic tradition in the Feilder household), I popped round to my buddy Matt Highton's million dollar recording studio* to chat at length/ad infinitum about all things movies. But actually mostly about All Things Hong Kong Action Cinema Of The Nineties And Straight To VOD Martial Arts Movies. It's a window into the world of my movie collection/netflix history that's for sure and if you were looking to Catfish me via Tinder you could get some great buzzwords from this chat. Hey, if that's how you're planning on starting your year then all credit to you.


Simon Feilder